Tuesday, July 5, 2011

2011 Pottery

The photos I have just posted are my recent work. Most of them have a similar theme which is Prehistoric. I developed an interest when I taught an traditional pottery course at NBCCD early this year. Most of my work is fired at Cone 6 expect for a few special pieces which I have fired at Cone 4. I will post some new photos in the near future of the work, I developed in 2010 that I still produce for my production line. Hope you enjoy!

First Post!

I really don't know how this works yet but I'll figure it out soon enough. I will have photos up soon and if you wish to see my pottery in person. You can come down for a visit to The Cracked Pots located at the Soldiers  Barracks at 457 Queen St. Fredericton, New Brunswick.